(Below) A yearling male Jungle carpet python. This beautiful snake has a full stripe down his spine, he is K.Aland linage. He gains more yellow with every shed and can only improve. I am eager to see how this one turns out.
Young male Carpet pythons (M. spilota sub sp.)
Hi, welcome to my first post on my KLassic Reptiles blog. I hope you enjoy the images & information I post on here. i have just added 2 "teaser" images to show of whats to come on this blog.
(Left) A young male Proserpine local Coastal carpet python. This snake has a partial stripe pattern down his body, and his colour improves with every shed.
(Below) A yearling male Jungle carpet python. This beautiful snake has a full stripe down his spine, he is K.Aland linage. He gains more yellow with every shed and can only improve. I am eager to see how this one turns out.
(Below) A yearling male Jungle carpet python. This beautiful snake has a full stripe down his spine, he is K.Aland linage. He gains more yellow with every shed and can only improve. I am eager to see how this one turns out.