MCSS in collaboration with staff from Banyan Tree Resort on Mahé and Constance Lemuria Resort on Praslin recently translated the “Turtle Watcher’s Code of Conduct” (TWCC). The TWCC was produced by MCSS as part of the project on the “Strategic Management of Turtle populations in Seychelles” funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, British High Commission, Victoria, in consultation with Dr. Jeanne Mortimer. The aim of the TWCC was to to allow residents and tourist alike to enjoy watching a nesting turtle while ensuring that the turtle is not harmed or disturbed. This is particularly important in Seychelles, as Hawksbill turtles nest during the day time - a behaviour unique to Seychelles - when most people are out on the beach and sunbathing.

The original Turtle Watchers Code of Conduct (English version)
The TWCC is now available in; English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian and is being distributed to the public and visitors to ensure that people can view a nesting turtle without any negative impacts.
MCSS has personalised the leaflets for use by each of its turtle monitoring partners in Seychelles. That is, the original TWCC has been slightly modified to incorporate the logo and contact details of each of the partners who manage a turtle monitoring programme.

The Turtle Watchers Code of Conduct for the Cousine Island Nature Reserve (German version)
As part of their turtle awareness programmes, both Banyan Tree and Lemuria Resort have incorporated the translated TWCC in a multilingual brochure for their clients. Banyan Tree Resort is also displaying the TWCC at each beach access point at Intendance beach.

The Banyan Tree Resorts Turtle Watchers Code of Conduct brochure

The Lemuria Resort’s Turtle Watchers Code of Conduct brochure