It sounds a doddle!
Don’t be mislead. It is hard work walking a beach in the tropical, humid heat of Seychelles… and often a lonely task. Its certainly not for the fainthearted.
So why do we do it?
On the upside, you get to be very fit walking for miles on sand. On the downside, you get hot and bothered as you search the vegetation on the beach crest looking for turtle tracks (watch out for courting couples!).
By our efforts, however, we hope to ensure that our children and our children's children will in the future be able to see turtles on these beaches here in the Seychelles.
On the upside, you get to be very fit walking for miles on sand. On the downside, you get hot and bothered as you search the vegetation on the beach crest looking for turtle tracks (watch out for courting couples!).
By our efforts, however, we hope to ensure that our children and our children's children will in the future be able to see turtles on these beaches here in the Seychelles.
But take heed, if you think you have the heart for turtle conservation you may find it not only a rewarding voluntary pastime, but more a time consuming passion, a way of life...
. …. News from Patricia