Having just returned from the WIOMSA conference Reunion, Elke was desperate to check for turtles on the main nesting beaches, having missed last Friday’s scheduled patrol. The MCSS truck, however, was still with the mechanic for a long overdue paint job and was still out of commission, so Elke had to call on Mickey Camille, General Manager of Thrifty Car Hire, to assist with transportation.
Thrifty Car Hire has been supporting the MCSS Turtle Programme for a number of years and was one of the sponsors who made it possible for Elke to participate in the Sixth WIOMSA Scientific Symposium in Reunion.
Thanks Mickey... unfortunately no new turtle nests to report!

Thrifty Car Hire has been supporting the MCSS Turtle Programme for a number of years and was one of the sponsors who made it possible for Elke to participate in the Sixth WIOMSA Scientific Symposium in Reunion.
Thanks Mickey... unfortunately no new turtle nests to report!